Support our Work

By a donation…

If you would like to make a donation to the work of the Childhood Bereavement Network (CBN), please click here. Your gift is greatly appreciated and will be used to further our work in supporting bereaved children, young people and their families.

More information on CBN can be found here

If you would like to make a donation to your local child bereavement service, their details can be found here

Tweet about Plan If

Please join us on Twitter to encourage more people to think about developing their own Plan If. Please use #PlanIf and @CBNtweets - and maybe tweet a photo with one of our signs.

Suggested tweet: I'm supporting @CBNtweets #PlanIf. Helping parents plan in case they die before their children grow up  

Send us a story

We’d love to hear from you if you have a story about how important it has been to your family to have plans in place – or maybe, how tough it was when someone died without them. 

Please also let us know if we can use this story in our publicity and on this website.

Here’s an example of a story we were told:

‘My dad died when I was 15 and... there had been no planning for this. My mum was 40 years old and had a nervous breakdown so I went from having a secure home, which we lost, to having neither parent with me and having to go to work to support my mum and I. There was no planning around guardianship and although I had a maternal grandmother we did not get on too well at the time... Had we had a will we would have been better off financially as poor decisions were made just to survive as well as around what assets we did have. It would also have been helpful to have known who would support me in the absence of my parents.’

Send us a picture

Plan If Box For Mumsnet Copy A

If you have just finished or have already put in place your own Plan If, we’d love to hear from you so that we can encourage other parents to follow your example. Please drop us a line and if you actually have your Plan If in a file or box, please send us a picture too.