Caitlin Moran

Caitlin Moran, author, columnist and mother of two thinks it is really important for all parents to have a Plan If. Caitlin wrote an amazing letter to her daughter that was printed in The Times. Although written for publication, Caitlin includes all of the above, plus some really great advice. It is a brilliant read: there is a small extract below. The full article is here { Caitlin supports our Plan If campaign.

…the next tip: life divides into AMAZING ENJOYABLE TIMES and APPALLING EXPERIENCES THAT WILL MAKE FUTURE AMAZING ANECDOTES. However awful, you can get through any experience if you imagine yourself, in the future, telling your friends about it as they scream, with increasing disbelief, ‘NO! NO!’

Babyiest, see as many sunrises and sunsets as you can. Run across roads to smell fat roses. Always believe you can change the world – even if it’s only a tiny bit, because every tiny bit needed someone who changed it. Think of yourself as a silver rocket – use loud music as your fuel; books like maps and co-ordinates for how to get there. Host extravagantly, love constantly, dance in comfortable shoes, talk to Daddy and Nancy about me every day and never, ever start smoking.


moran signed book